We’re coming up on the last event of the 2023-24 SCAA season! Thank you for your support of SCAA and we look forward to closing out the season with our Awards & Appreciation Banquet – Sunday, April 28, 1:30pm @ Joyale Seafood Restaurant (900 S Jackson St, Seattle).

It will be a packed house so please plan your arrival accordingly. Doors open at 1:30pm. Check in at the front, pick up an election ballot (one per family), and purchase your raffle tickets. We have some amazing prizes (see flyer below) so you won’t want to miss out! Cash and Venmo will be accepted. For those that aren’t able to make it in-person, but would still like to view the event from afar, we will be live-streaming the event! Please check back on the SCAA website HERE the day of for the live-stream link. We hope you can join us one way or another!